Employability and Employment Support

Enabling Business Hubs (EBHs) bring training and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities closer to their homes.

Developed by SG Enable, EBHs support persons with disabilities through customised job support and a structured work environment with inclusive practices.

Bizlink is the appointed employment programme partner of the first EBH, EBH@Jurong.

Bringing Training and Employment Opportunities closer to the community!

As part of SG Enable’s onsite Employment Support Team, Bizlink Centre provides vocational training and employment support services for persons with disabilities closer to their homes.

Supported by Job Coaches, Allied Health and Community Outreach Professionals, persons with disabilities can now look forward to a comprehensive suite of employment-related services, such as train-and-place programmes, vocational assessment and training, job-matching, and post-placement job support.

Supporting hiring of persons with disabilities into Logistics and e-Commerce Fulfilment Sector

In collaboration with industry partners and Institute of Higher Learning, Bizlink Centre also anchors a training centre focusing on vocational training for job roles in Logistics and e-Commerce Fulfilment Sector.  We will also showcase inclusive practices to employers and encourage them to implement these practices at their own workplaces. 

Commitment towards an inclusive hiring nation

Bizlink Centre and our partners are committed to serve and facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities with pre-employment training and in-employment job support for both persons with disabilities and employers.    

For general enquiries, you may write in to EBH_Jurong@bizlink.org.sg